EasyVideoCrop is a tool for cropping and converting videos into formats that are easy to post online, such as GIF animations (only GIF and MP4 for now). EasyVideoCrop offers many options for compressing and tweaking the output, and has tooltips to help you learn about them.
Current status
Animated .webp exporting coming soon™.
.webm video exporting planned sometime, I'll have to learn how to optimize VP8 / VP9 / AV1. Not a high priority.
EasyVideoCrop mostly does what I want it to do, so I don't have a lot of plans to work on this unless I learn new ways to optimize gifs/videos. If you're experienced with FFmpeg or ImageMagick or another tool for optimizing gifs and videos, please send me a message and help me out.
There's various small improvements that could be made, for example the program appears to freeze when it's converting a file, but I don't see that as important to fix so I can't be bothered to. I'll probably polish that kind of things sometime but I don't know when.
Linux version is planned, I will make it sometime in the future when I get more familiar with Linux development.
Mac version not planned.
NOTE: In order to run EasyVideoCrop, you need FFmpeg, FFprobe, and ImageMagick. You can download them from their own websites yourself, or from the links below on this page.
FFmpeg is a video processing tool, used for extracting video frames and exporting .mp4 videos. Wikipedia Download
FFprobe is a special version of FFmpeg for getting information about videos, used to get info like video dimensions and framerate.
ImageMagick is an image processing tool, used for making optimized gif animation files. Wikipedia Download
These files contain the executables for FFmpeg/FFprobe/ImageMagick. If you place them in the EasyVideoCrop folder, you do not need to install them onto your computer. This allows you to use EasyVideoCrop as a "portable" program.
They are in separate downloads because they are over 200 times bigger than EasyVideoCrop itself.
Download FFmpeg.zip - 26.7 MB - (contains FFmpeg 6.0)
Download FFprobe.zip - 26.6 MB - (contains FFprobe 6.0)
Download ImageMagick.zip - 8.59 MB - (contains ImageMagick 7.1.0-62)
Download EasyVideoCrop_0-9-2-1.zip - 420 KB
View old versions
EasyVideoCrop 0.9.1
This is a version before MP4 support, the UI may be a little simpler if you only care about gif animations.
Download EasyVideoCrop_0-9-1.zip - 411 KB
Report bugs/problems or request features: find my contact here.