

I like things that react to input instantly.

I hate websites that don't work at all without javascript.

I am attracted to things that are simple but effective.

I usually spend an hour or so thinking about things in bed before I fall asleep.

I do not check this often, but you can report problems, send feature requests or ideas, or whatever you might want to contact me for.

My name is not actually derived from weeaboo slang. It originates from a time when I used "Tsunoflare" as my name, which I later shortened to just "Tsun". Tsunoflare itself came from mixing up the letters of "soft lunar" and adding an "e" to the end, I probably used an early version of Letter Mixer to come up with it. I'd like it to not be associated with a meme Japanese word, but I'm too attached to the name to change it at this point. I often use some variation of "Sun" or "Sundae" as a name because "Tsun" feels oddly too personal, it even feels weird to use it on this website, like I'm giving my personal details to someone I shouldn't.

My favorite colors are bright and pastel yellows and greens:   #9f0 #df0 #9e5 #fe7

To art or not to art

I used to do art but don't draw much anymore. I more or less lost interest in drawing when the last remaining furry imageboard that wasn't a fetish dump also turned into a fetish dump. I don't consider myself part of the "furry fandom" though and I'm not fond of most furry art so don't UwU @ me.

The earliest memory of drawing I have is drawing some Pokemon drawings on the floor and then putting them on my wall, I never truly stopped drawing Pokemon until I stopped drawing. I tend to think of Gen2 as my favorite (Pokemon Crystal was the game I liked most), but there's some favorite pokemon in Gen1, like Meowth.

Deviantart - Old art gallery that I forgot my password to. I don't use it anymore but it's the only place where my art is available.

This is one of my favorite drawings that I've made:

I have a habit of drawing character's heads a little too big. Here's another drawing that I secretly like, don't tell anyone:

Here's a drawing that I non-secretly like (it's based on this image):

I also very much enjoy painting grayscale shaded images, it's like a game of figuring out where the light and shadows should be, and seeing the drawing gain life after adding a little highlight is a joyful feeling:

It was in 2021 when I finally put my drawing tablet into the closet for the first time since I hadn't used it in a while. Perhaps one day I will make my own art site or imageboard and regain my desire to draw.

Or perhaps I will need it for a videogame.


I like programming but I hate all programming languages. C is the language that I hate the least, therefore it is the language I use.

Click here for a programming language tangent

Ideally I would make my own language, but I don't have the motivation to spend enough time to do it well, and if it's not a well made language then I would hate that language as well.

The only thing I really need is C with some fixes and conveniences like namespaces, better syntax, cleaner macros, and many metaprogramming features like the abilty to inject code into all functions or get numerical IDs for functions and types. I also absolutely hate headers and forward declaration and everything about the way C handles libraries/#includes. There's probably some advantageous nuances about the way C does some things, but I can't think of a single thing that benefits me in any way.

I also want function overloading, and ideally simple templates too (mostly so I don't have to make 800 different vector types/functions and so that I can give arrays different pointer types).

I've tried many languages but haven't liken any of them, they tend to have a couple advantages but a whole lot of disadvantages. The language that Jonathan Blow is working on seems very promising, but who knows when it's going to be released or if it's actually what I even want.

Most languages have 2 primary problems: being too much of a nanny language that doesn't let you just be free and do what you want, or making too many assumptions about how one ought to program.

Another problem is that what C lacks, you can often hack around to with macros. But any language that doesn't have C-like macros is going to need that feature in the language itself. For example one macro that I use quite often combines a bunch of strings in the stack using alloca().

My first programming-related memory is creating crappy point & click games with MS Paint graphics in Clickteam's game maker programs when I was a kid. Back then I thought that programming was dumb and that I would never want to do that because using a GUI was "so much better".

The first version of Letter Mixer was made in Multimedia Fusion, that's why the version on this site is "3.0" (I'm not sure what 2.0 was, probably some early javascript experiment). 1.0 was pretty clumsy to say the least:

I think my first experience with actual programming was trying to make a Minecraft mod with Java. I didn't understand anything and only managed to add crafting recipes for new decorative blocks. I moved to Javascript to work on more personal projects shortly after.

After a few years of tinkering with Javascript and making things like Volve, I started to grow tired of the problems in the language (such as dynamic typing silently causing errors, lack of proper structs requiring weird function object constructors, and lack of detailed data types like 8-bit integers), and the limitations of using the web browser as a platform (such as the inability to save/load data freely, and requiring the program to be in a web browser window). I'm not sure how I ended up using C.

I like making things from scratch myself, it's interesting to figure out how to make something out of nothing with my own hands, and to understand and be in control of every part of it and not have anything unnecessary in it. I can make everything be exactly the way I want.

I often struggle with seemingly basic things like UI systems and graphics for the same reason; because I don't use anything. When I want to make a website, I'm not going to use web-related tools of any kind, I will use the operating system's networking API and sockets for network I/O, I will program the database myself, I will build a custom file cache, etc. I want it to be my thing, but there's rarely a perfect way to do it, and sometimes trying to connect to other people's stuff (e.g. HTTP, OpenGL) without running into glaring flaws makes things much harder.

I have a bad habit of stopping work on projects when they can do what they were meant to do, so they end up being kind of half assed in some ways and lack polish. I'm also a pefectionist with certain technicalities, so I may make compromises in the "wrong" places.