Seedee was an experimental webcomic that I started and ended in 2015. It follows dragon-cat girl Baka's adventures, powered by her over-active imagination.
My original goal was to make something devoid of any meaning or standards so I could easily scratch out 1 page every day on the spot without feeling bad about the low quality and lack of entertainment value or story. I ended up becoming fond of it which made me want more out of it, so the quality increased and it ended up having an actual story. That's also partly why I stopped working on the comic; it was too much effort.
Although I winged everything on a page-by-page basis, at around page 12 is when a story started to accidentally materialize. I think I took a break after page 22, and then I begun wanting to draw a comic with a bit more effort so I used Seedee for that.
Seedee was inspired by another webcomic called "Purple Pussy", there isn't much resemblance beyond the character designs though. The story was supposed to be similarly crude and edgy, but that doesn't really align with my personality so it ended up being very mild in terms of edginess.
I can't remember if "Seedee" was supposed mean anything. I assume that just like everything else, I came up with it on the spot without really thinking about it.
1: Randomness (0 - 12)
2: Now with a story, kinda (13 - 22)
3: Bakarando (23 - 35)
4: Back to reality, and unfinished pages (36 - 39)
Baka ♀
A dragon-cat with an exceedingly active imagination. She's constantly up to something that probably troubles someone else, and usually doesn't listen to anyone other than Bacon. She's not trying to cause problems, but often ends up doing so inadvertently due to her chaotic nature.
Foxiey (pronouce as Foxy-yay) ♂
Baka's goofy inseparable best friend, fox. He spends most of his time away from home, usually at Baka's place, going along with anything that Baka comes up with. He wouldn't know what to do with his time without Baka.
Completely opposite to Baka, he's not one to lead or make decisions, and prefers to go along with others without thinking too hard about it.
Bacon ♂
Baka's father, dragon. He's an extremely lax person, up to a fault. He does whatever he feels like and doesn't seem to take anything seriously, but can be unexpectedly observant about certain things. He's good at controlling Baka's eccentricity when needed and tries his best to make sure she's not straying too far.
Poke ♂
Baka's older brother, dragon-cat. He spends most of his time tinkering with his toys and gets very passionate about them. On the surface he claims to hate Baka, but Baka is very good at making him forget about whatever he was mad about. He strongly inherited a dragon's fire-breathing ability.
"Big Bean"
An imaginary character that was supposed to appear occasionally with a different appearance and name each time. He represents Baka's insecurities and would only appear when Baka is alone in her imagination.
Other characters that never made an appearance
Lake ♀
Baka's mother, cat. She has a one-sided parental rivalry with Bacon, wishing to show that she's the better parent (often by having more influence on Baka), and generally trying to mess with Bacon. They live separately and have an ambiguous relationship. Baka's personality is closest to her than anyone else in the family, although Lake tends to hide it behind a graceful exterior.
Ame ♀
Baka's little sister, dragon-cat. She lives with Lake. I only decided that she exists, but never really decided what she's like. Ame looks up to and tries to copy Baka, except the behavior gets converted into a more cutesy version when compared to Baka's.
Cat ♂
Pork's son, dragon. He claims to dislike Baka's loud and immature behavior want to stay away from her, but boredom often gets the best of him so he lets himself get dragged along with Baka. Baka thinks of him as a good friend more than he thinks of Baka as a good friend.
Fork ♀
Cat's sister. She's similar to Baka except she tries to annoy people intentionally (for fun, not to bully). She's the girl that Baka is closest to, although they have a somewhat rivalrous relationship. I came up with her long after I abandoned Seedee, so I never had any plans for when/how she would appear.
Pork ♂
Cat's father, dragon. Bacon's long-time friend. He's often busy and leaves Cat at Bacon's house to hang out with the kids.
Although I do like Seedee, I have no plans to continue this comic again. I did have various plans for what I would do with the story.
The rough outline for what would happen next in the story was that Baka and Foxiey go on a semi-magical/fantasy themed adventure of sorts (mostly in real life rather than imagination, depicting how their adventures look in reality), eventually running into Cat who joins them. During that adventure or some time after, Baka, being part-dragon, discovers the ability to eject retractable wings out of her body, which nobody including Bacon was aware of. She'd be very excited about it, although they'd be mostly for show and not usable for anything practical.
At an unknown point in the future, there would be a scenario where Baka goes to stay at Lake's place for a while. During that time, Baka would realize that she's not like a girl at all and her personality would go through various changes as she tries to sort out her feelings. At first she would swing too far towards femininity which would make Bacon and even Lake confused, but then she'd fall back towards the way she used to be, except with some new feminine demeanors remaining, a state that is more similar to Lake.
I was planning a "darker" background plot. The society is split between different species (primarily dragons, cats, foxes, and sharks). Each species have their own land with a distinctively different cultures where only their own species live. Due to some circumstances, Lake lives in the cat lands (along with Ame who has almost no physical dragon qualities) which is why they live separately from the rest of the family.
Due to Baka and Poke being mixed dragon/cats, they can't live in any of the primary lands so Bacon has to live with them in a sort of intermediary zone that isn't really a proper country. This would be part of Baka's insecurities (and where Big Bean comes in); she doesn't really resemble anyone else and wishes she was more normal, or just a regular cat, and feels jealous towards Ame because she blends in with the cats better. I even considered that her personality is in part a coping mechanism.
I wouldn't make the story quite like this if I continued Seedee, but the idea that there's mostly/only dragons/cats/foxes and that baka is insecure about being different from them would be similar.
Character design sheets
At some point when I started caring about the story and quality more, I wanted to make the character designs more well defined and started compiling design notes so I could make the art more consistent. I didn't get to finish or utilize them much though, I think I only started thinking about this around the time when I started making colored pages.

Thinking hat
While I'm not planning to continue Seedee, I sometimes think about what I would do or change or use if I hypothetically DID continue it. There's multiple directions I could take it.
I dislike it when some series (particularly videogames) change what the series was originally like, I think they should just start a new series instead. I like to think about very heavy subjects and deep emotions and stuff, so I should probably come up with a new story if I couldn't resist including that kind of things into Seedee.
Anyway, here's some ideas (they aren't "canon", just things I'm thinking about):
- Cats are traditionally named based on some kind of trait of nature, in other words cat names are things like "Lake", "Autumn", "Rain", "Leaf". It is their folklore that your name is somehow related to where/how you'll meet your significant other, for example if your name is Rain, then you'll meet them when it's raining. (I might change Ame's name. "Poke" and "Baka" are kinda still compatible with this folklore.)
- Dragons are not given names until some time after their birth, they are named based on something that they were particularly fascinated by. (This is also somewhat compatible with "Poke" and "Baka", but not with "Ame".) I thought of this idea almost immediately after I came up with Fork. I'd change Pork's name, he hasn't been mentioned in the comic so it's fine. So far I've come up with all the character names at random, so this would be the only case of me having reasoning behind a name.
- I'm not sure what I want the society to be like. I don't like "all species live together in harmony" -type of worlds, it feels extremely overdone, as if animal cartoons are just supposed to do it and not even question it. The idea that Baka is insecure about herself is how I think about Baka beneath the surface, so I need a world without too much diversity in species, her being insecure wouldn't make sense if every other person was different. Most likely I would make mixed species people rare, but there wouldn't be any explicit reason for it, people just naturally tend to pair with their own kind.
- Dragons are really strong, even Baka can extert a whole lot more physical strength than she looks. She isn't familiar with her own strength potential, and sometimes asks Cat to do things she could easily do herself. Baka's and Poke's scuffles sometimes cause big damage.
- Lake belongs to a cat subspecies called "gemcats", all female gemcats have a gemstone-like orb on their chest. This trait was inherited by Baka, and maybe Ame too.
- The gem or the species probably wouldn't have any purpose. It could have a power similar to how dragons can breathe fire, maybe it's valuable, maybe it changes color or is colored based on something related to the person, maybe it's just pretty.
- I originally thought of it as a "button" which is used to activate Baka's rectractable wings. Maybe the gem is sensitive and poking it causes a reflex reaction. I want the gem to be directly connected to their heart, but that might make it a bit too big of a deal.
- If I wanted to make a very serious story, I might want it to have some kind of power and be the reason why Lake lives separately from Bacon: gemcats are rare and the power is needed to maintain something, so Lake wants to serve the purpose and use her gem for that. At some point she'd make Baka try it, but she doesn't want Baka to feel like she has any obligation to it. Only Baka would have inherited the gem, Ame would not. This would make Baka think of herself as a bit more valuable person. Or maybe Ame has it too and Lake expects Ame to inherit a role related to it in the future. Alternatively, I could really hammer on Baka's insecurities by making her gem incompatible with this system, while Ame's gem is fine.
- In a "high effort deep story writing" sense, I like the idea of treating Seedee as a psychological exploration of Baka. For example, I like the idea that Lake (or maybe gemcats to be specific) are universally seen as beautiful, and Baka is seen as beautiful too as soon as she stops acting dumb and making grumpy expressions. This would create an interesting conflict where even though she hates herself physically, she's also happy about herself physically because of this. It would be interesting to explore Baka's psychology in these kinds of ways.
- One of Baka's classmates is also a dragon-cat girl. I'm thinking she would either be a broody goth-like girl, or a bookworm. Someone that Baka should feel "superior" to, baka is stronger, more energetic, more beautiful, more social, yet still feels insecure towards her because she reminds Baka of herself. Maybe the girl has a more cat-like name than Baka does and that makes it worse. They would probably eventually become friends, but it would also be interesting if they didn't. Rarely in stories there's a situation like this where in the end the characters just cannot get along, and whatever friction is between them cannot be resolved.
- Between Ame and Bacon, I like the idea that Ame wasn't born until Lake had already left, which might make Ame and Bacon shy around each other (similar to Goku and Goten from DBZ). But I also like the idea that Ame is excessively friendly with Bacon (basically climbing all over him when she's around), a nuisance just like Baka except in an opposite way.
- Relationships? Sometimes when I read a comic or watch a cartoon, the part that interests me most is what kind of love shenanigans are going to happen. I don't know if I'd include any romance elements, I feel like that might completely steal the spotlight, but I've thought about what would happen if it happened. I originally liked the idea of Baka and Foxiey being together, I've even drawn some sketches for fun while holding that idea. I probably wouldn't actually do it though. I'm leaning towards the idea that Cat has or gets a crush on Baka, there's several reasons for why Cat and Baka would work in the long run.
- Baka needs someone who has the energy to deal with her, but Foxiey seems like the opposite of that. The idea of them together is cute at the moment, but I just can't imagine Foxiey being a good pair for her as adults unless Foxiey changes fundamentally as he grows up. Cat on the other hand is basically Baka's tsukkomi, and being a dragon he has more than enough strength to deal with life with Baka.
- Baka is insecure about being different from everyone else, being with Foxiey would make it even worse because she'd be concerned about passing on that insecurity since their children would be fox-cat-dragons, and not even her own children would be like her. Meanwhile being with Cat would make them just like her own family (cat mother, dragon father), which has a sense of familiarity and would expand the number of people who are similar to her family. Baka is also used to a familial relationship with a male dragon because Bacon raised her.
- The way I've imagined Cat's and Baka's current relationship so far is that Baka often pesters Cat to carry her around while flying rather than walking (flying is cool, and in the future he can drop her from the sky so she can glide with her wings since they can't be used to fly), and tends to fiddle with Cat's floppy wings without asking for his permission. This overt friendliness would logically get through to Cat, and Baka is inadvertently making herself comfortable with Cat by doing these things.
- As his name implies, Cat has always been interested in cats.
- One of the scenarios I was considering was one where Foxiey leaves town for a while, and it completely messes with Baka's head because she's so used to him being around at all times. This would be the beginning of romance-based story elements since Baka would realize how much she takes for granted the idea that Foxiey is always with her. I might still do this except without any romance implications. Maybe she becomes extra annoying towards Cat or someone else.
Back when the comic was active, someone made fanart for it. It's hard to describe the feeling when someone does something like this, it makes me feel a bit bad about discontinuing the comic.