I make things

I make and think about things. This site has various pages for some of the things I've made or thought about.

Downloadable tools(for Windows only)


Make gifs out of videos.


A tool for editing the names of many files at once.


Record a video from a part of your screen.

Reference Image Window

Minimal image viewer that stays on top of other windows.


Track your time usage on the computer.

PNG or Die

Combination of PNG compressors. For compressing PNGs.


A simple tool that converts a file into a DataURI.


A simple tool that converts a file into a string literal (for programming).

Programming libraries and tools

Some programming libraries and miscellaneous tools.


Online tools

Kana Trainer

Hiragana/katakana memorization tool.

Letter Mixer

Useful for coming up with names for projects or fictional things.

Mirror Maker

Mirror an image from the middle.

Unicode fonts

Tool that replaces text with 𝓯𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓲𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓮𝔁𝓽.



Customs Solitaire

A simple customizable solitaire game.

Village Clicker

An abandoned clicker game.


Game projects and ideas(non-finished)


A game about looting.


Terraria-like sandbox block game.


A Cave Story-inspired story platformer.


Real-time strategy game.


A planet exploration roguelite.

Fappy Fox

A flappy bird clone...

Click City

An abandoned(?) idle game where you build a city.


Experimental(tools, programs, scripts)


An abandoned browser painting program.

Noise visualizer

An online tool for testing perlin noise patterns. Made in around 2017 or so.


A sand game test.


Turns a phrase into a cube thingy.

Dialogue Designer

An (unfinished) online tool for designing dialogue trees for games. Made in around 2017 or so.

Secret translator

A pointless tool that replaces characters in text. Made for an imageboard who knows when.

Nojs gallery/comic reader

A comic reader that does not require any javascript.


Informative & resources


Website interactivity techniques without javascript.

Getting started with C programming

It's easier than you think.

Qualities of good software

Things that any piece of software claiming to be "good" should think about.

Animated image compression

Thoughts and experiences about animated image compression.

Krita color theme customization

How to create a custom color theme for Krita.

ASCII table   (full)

There's many ascii tables on the internet, but this one is mine. The 32-row tables are best in my opinion.

Simple: 1col 128row 2col 64row 4col 32row 8col 16row

Full: 1col 256row 2col 128row 4col 64row 8col 32row 16col 16row

Unicode glyphs

A collection of potentially useful unicode glyphs.

Interesting numbers

List of interesting numbers, like powers of 2.



Projects and ideas

I am an idea man. Hard work isn't my forte.


An abandoned webcomic thingy.

Modding Stalker Anomaly

Thoughts about creating mods for Stalker Anomaly.

Improving C

How the C programming language could be improved.

Favorite manga

A list of manga that I'm fond of.


Things I've been thinking about but haven't made a page for yet.


Miscellaneous crap.




Site updates(from the last year or so, not including diaries)

  • Reformatted Getting started with C slightly, and added alternative examples for making programs without SDL.
  • Added some additional musings to Seedee.
  • New other page: Improving C. Removed page about my older language idea (XHACK) since my thoughts have evolved since then.
  • New game project: Scavgame.
  • Retroactively changed some less interesting old pages into diary entries.
  • Updated RegionCap to 0.9.1. This is mostly an old version that I forgot to upload. Small improvements and fixes.
  • Released FileNameWrangler 2.0.
  • Renamed "blog" to "diary". As far as I understand, it would almost be more accurate to call this website a "blog".
  • I was updating the "currently thinking" page, and it became so long that I decided to delete that page and make a blog instead. I retroactively turned the old page into the first page of the blog. For now I'll just dump the blog pages below this list.


2024 What Neocities really needs - Scavgame, similar games, game design - Struggle to reach something -
2023 Thoughts Rants about things I've recently worked on -
2022 Fighting the "modern" and the "traditional" (funcsimple) - Isometric Z layering with rising ground height in RR - Side-by-side windows -